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Finance and Administration

Human Resource Management

Organogram Management

An organogram structure tool used by Human Resources that shows the structure of an organisation and the relationship of posts and positions, how they are related to each other. Hierarchy of the organisation and the reporting lines of each post and position per Directorate, Sub Directorate, Section, and Department.

Personnel File

The personnel file is the main electronic employee file that contains all the detail and history of the employee’s appointment, transfer, promotion, position, post, performance, confidential information, qualifications, training, delegations, disciplinary, termination, evaluation, documentation and records related to the employee.

Leave Management
Online leave system with the workflow of where employees request leave, and superiors grant or reject the application. Generating, updating leave balances & reports for monitoring trends, maximum leave balance, forfeiting of leave, management reports related to leave taken in the organisation.

New Employment, Transfer and Resignation Management
The process to appointment a new employee in the organisation within an approved post/position and/or transferring an existing employee to an alternative post/position and obtaining approval. Resignation process terminating the existing employee from the organisation and informing all relevant stakeholders of the employee movement in the organisation. Workflow indicating the process which was followed to either appoint, transfer or terminate employees.  

Time and Attendance
Time and attendance are used to track and monitor when employees arrive at their work place and when they leave their workplace. A tool for management to monitor working hours, late arrivals, early departures, absenteeism, overtime worked and time off taken.  Generating attendance logs, unattended exception reports. 

Performance Management
A Municipality’s Performance Management System (PMS) is the primary mechanism to monitor, review, and improve the implementation of its IDP and to gauge the progress made in achieving the objectives set out in the IDP.

Disciplinary Hearing Management
Business Engineering developed this solution to introduce transparent and effective management of the tasks associated with a Disciplinary Hearing process and to ensure that all records related to this process are kept in a central electronic repository. The Disciplinary process is initiated when the applicable misconduct forms as well as supporting documentation is submitted to HR and/or the Registration office for scanning, indexing and filing (Personnel File). The minimum information is captured by the registration office or relevant HR functionary.

Supply Chain Management

Catalogue of Goods and Services

Any organisation that procure goods and services from the market should have a catalogue that describes the goods and/or services. The catalogue contains a list of all the goods and services that the organisation purchase. The catalogue contains the intelligence to determine of the goods are in stores and/or on contract with a specific supplier. The catalogue complies to ISO 8000 and the eOTD.

Requisitions for Goods and Services

Any Purchase requirements for Goods or Services or the Issuing of Stock Items can be registered in a Requisition. Various requisition Line items can be specified with unique Vote number, Catalogue description and validations indication the available budget amount. This process includes Direct Purchases, where quotation need to be sourced from the Supplier Database, purchases from Awarded Bid panels (Year/multiyear tenders), New Tenders and Store Items. The result of this process will be a generated order in the financial system.


Awarded Bid Panel Management

During the SCM process many items are purchased from Year of Multiyear Tenders or Quotations. The ‘Tender’ detail, ‘Awarded panel’ (Suppliers) for the Tender and ‘Tender Items’ with applicable unit prices, unit of measure and other attributes, will display to enable easier capturing and selection. Purchasing from Tenders are, easier, quicker and more effective.

Supplier Management

SCM Buyers are enabled to identify and access a database with potential suppliers based on industry or commodity classification. The system will identify suppliers applicable to the purchase specification and send out electronic requests for quotations.

Asset Register and Transactions

​Asset Register

The asset register contains all the technical information about an asset.

Assets Disposal

All assets that are being disposed of via auction or otherwise are managed. The process starts when the municipality decide to dispose of an asset to the point where the asset is removed from the asset register.

Asset Donation

When a developer donates assets to the client, the assets must go into the asset register. The process starts when the developer formally donates the assets to the client and ends when the asset is registered in the asset register.

Asset Survey

​In some instances, assets that are not in the asset register needs to be identified and placed in the asset register. The process starts by field workers recording the assets that they field in the field. The process end when the surveyed assets are in the asset register.

Asset Transfer

The assets in the asset register are allocated to a directorate /department / section / official that is responsible for the assets. In some instances, the responsibility for the asset is transferred to someone else. This process deals with the transfer.

Unbundle Assets

Once a capital projects has been completed the deliverable of the project may consist of multiple assets. To identify the assets individually and place them in the asset register, the unbundle process must start.

Asset Warranties & Guarantees

When new Assets are purchased through the Supply Chain Process, the related records applicable to Warranties and Guarantees are uploaded onto Collaborator as supporting documentation related to the Asset. In case of breakage or returns these Records are immediately available.

Capital Project Management

New infrastructure is created via capital projects. The capital projects mainly involve the lead consultant that manages the project on behalf of the client and the contractor that is appointed to build the infrastructure asset. This process starts when the project is identified and approved via the IDP and is completed once the retention periods has passed. The asset unbundle solution follows this process.

Credit Control and Debt Collection

Credit Control

The municipal accounts that are in arrears must be under credit control. Therefore, when a municipal account is in arrears all effort must be made to restrict it going further into credit by restricting access to utilities offered by the municipality until such time as the account is not in arrears anymore. This solution help the municipality to manage the processes as described in the applicable policies.

Debt Collection

The legal process to collect the outstanding debt is managed in this solution. The first step would be to generate a summons for the outstanding debt and completes when the debt is paid.

Customer Care

The Customer Care solution includes logging of services related calls through various sources e.g. mobile applications, telephone calls via the helpdesks, e-mails and correspondence. The responsible department, sections and users are maintained to ensure Service Requests are routed immediately to the correct user for action. In the case of field workers, job cards or work orders, with the request detail and location, can be printed or pushed to a mobile application.

Deeds Register

All Title Deeds are scanned and captured for record purposes. Metadata related to the property owner, address, land and date of transfer are registered for reporting purposes.

Electronic Records Management

The overall control, preservation and care of the organisation’s correspondence files and records other than correspondence files rest with the Records Manager. The concept "records" includes all documents and papers that are received or created in the process of running an office. This official also exercises overall control of all the activities of the registry and personnel. Most organisations have electronic and paper based records. This solution provides the organisation with a hybrid solution (paper and electronic records). This solution manages the full life-cycle (capture, use and disposal) of the records (paper and electronic records).

Indigent Register

Due to the level of unemployment and poverty within municipal areas, there are both households and citizens who are unable to access or pay for basic services; this grouping is referred to as the “indigent”. A database with identified indigents is maintained. 

Insurance Council Claims

This solution ensures that all Insurance cases are monitored and updated on a constant basis and provide general and financial reporting information on claims.

Insurance New Assets

All newly purchased assets were insurance are applicable are routed to the Finance Insurance Official to ensure that that the article is added to the insurance roll of the Municipality. An electronic e-mail notification with detail of the new asset are forwarded via e-mail to the insurance provider. Once the insurance is in place the on-premises records are updated with the Insurance detail.

Insurance Third Party Claims

This solution ensures that all Insurance cases are monitored and updated on a constant basis and provide general and financial reporting information on claims to Third Party Claims.

Integrated Development Plan

The Integrated Development Plan (IDP) is an integrate plan that lists all the projects that the municipality will complete in the following five years. The IDP consists of items that derive from the various master plans, national and provincial KPI’s as well as community requirements. This process manages the project requirements from it’s the moment it is identified to the point that it becomes part of the budget.

Invoice Approval

When the capturing is complete the Invoices are forwarded to the applicable delegated authority for authorization, which is done using a bio-metric device. On authorization a Supplier Performance Rating are mandatory. Invoices are linked to related, Requisitions, Orders and GRV’s to ensure that all records in the Purchase life-cycle are available for auditing purposes. Overdue and outstanding invoices are monitored on an ongoing basis via Reports.

Real Estate Contract Management

This solution enables the public to submit an application to council for the Renting or alienation of Municipal Properties. All related application information are captured and forwarded to Legal, Asset management, Planning and various other departments for consideration and approval by council. Once a decision is made by council the outcome is communicated to the Applicant. Approved applications will result in a signed contract. The scanned contract and related renting information (e.g. Rental terms, escalations and amounts) are captured and transferred to the Financial system ‘Rent Register’ to ensure that contractual terms are compiled with.

Service Level Agreements

This solution includes the generation of a ‘SLA Contract’ template and the registration of ‘Contract Deliverables’ applicable to suppliers. SLA and Deliverable assessment alerts can be set by users to ensure constant monitoring of Contractual obligations.


The transfer of funds from one vote to another vote must be done using a virement process. This solution allows the various department to request a transfer of funds and the delegated authority in the organisation to approve the transfer before the request reaches the relevant officials in the finance department.

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