Public Safety
Public Safety Traffic Notices
The system makes provision for the capturing of all Traffic Notices (Direct 54 Notices, 341 Windscreen Notices and Camera notices). Each notice are captured and fines are allocated according to the applicable Provisional or Municipal by-law. The fine totals are calculated and transnational information are passed to the financial system to create a debit account per notice.
Public Safety Traffic Notice Payment
Traffic and Transgression notices payments are captured on the system and case statuses are updated accordingly. The payment process makes provision for down payments, if applicable. Reconciliation reports are used to track over, under and no payments.
Public Safety Traffic Notice Appeals
Members of the public can submit an appeal on a Traffic or Transgression Notice. These appeal information and supporting documents are captured and forwarded to either Traffic Control Officer or Court for consideration. Fines can be reduced, withdrawn or sustained. Applicants will receive an email or SMS with the Appeal outcome.
Public Safety Municipal Court Process
All Traffic, Service and Building transgression notices are registered on the Municipal Court System. Weekly court rolls, listing all open cases are compiled in a Court Roll to be submitted to Court for judgement. Court outcomes are captured and where applicable Warrant of Artist will be issued in the case of non-attendance. Each case will receive a Warrant number. Open cases where Warrant are issued will be compiled on a WOA Register and related WOA will be printed and authorized individually by the Court for distribution and delivery to the related sheriffs’ office.